NMap™ is already available to select Ship Agents. Be amongst the first to benefit.
Gain a unique competitive advantage
Enhance your reputation
Grow your clients with less hassle
NMapTM connects to Maritime Single Window and Port Community Systems, where applicable. The Ship Agent has full control as the information flows seamlessly from the Vessel to the different parties.
Real-time full control over data flows
Eliminate risk of manual entries
Harmonise operations across multiple ports
NMAPTM future proofs your business by eliminating risks that could destroy your reputation. Smart algorithms check for regulatory compliance and data quality to avoid expensive errors.
Data veracity via Distributed Ledger Technology
Cybersecurity gains, no more email attachments
100% Compliant with IMO Regulations
Because it sets smart Ship Agents apart from the rest of the pack! NMapTM enhances reputation, future-proof's the business and provides an edge over competitors.
Handle more port calls with ease
Enhance reputation
Designed for remote and hybrid organizations, Projectile is a shared workspace that makes collaborating with your team smooth and intuitive.
Analyze your team’s performance, identify and solve bottlenecks faster. Get automated updates, alerts and reports at the frequency you set.